Fruit and vegetable intake and bone health


eMediNexus Editorial    13 December 2019

Fruits and vegetables are potential sources of micronutrients including calcium, vitamin K, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, to name a few, and bioactive compounds. There is increasing evidence of a positive link between consumption of fruits and vegetables and indices of bone health.

There have been reports that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables can have positive effects on bone density and could also decrease fracture risk. Fruit and vegetable consumption seem to have benefits for axial and peripheral bone mass and bone metabolism in both males and females across different age-ranges.

A systematic review and meta-analysis, published recently in PLoS One, included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies looking into combined intake of fruits and vegetables in men and women aged above 50 years. Fractures were the primary outcome measure while changes in bone markers were secondary outcomes. Thirteen articles were included in the systematic review and 10 were included in the pooled analysis (6 cohort studies and 4 RCTs). The meta-analysis revealed that the increase of at least one serving of fruits and vegetables per day is associated with a lower risk of fractures. The risk of hip fracture was found to be lower in participants having a dietary pattern rich in fruits and vegetables.

Overall, a nutrient-rich diet with increased intake of fruits and vegetables, seems to have beneficial effects on bone health and reduces fracture risk.

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