eWellness: 5 foods to fight high cholesterol


Dr KK Aggarwal    16 July 2020

  1. Oats provide soluble fiber. Adding a banana or some strawberries to the diet can provide more soluble fibers.
  2. Nuts: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, etc., are good for your heart. Intake of 2 ounces of nuts a day can reduce your LDL levels by about 5%.
  3. Beans are a rich source of soluble fiber. The body takes some time to digest beans, thus making you feel full for a longer time after a meal.
  4. Foods fortified with sterols and stanols. They are being added to foods ranging from margarine and granola bars to orange juice and chocolate and are also available as supplements. Two grams of plant sterols or stanols a day can reduce LDL cholesterol by about 10%.
  5. Fatty fish. Eating fish 2 to 3 times a week can decrease your LDL levels. Replacing meat with fish is a good choice as meat has LDL-raising saturated fats. Additionally, fish provides LDL-lowering omega-3 fatty acids.

[Source: Harvard Health Publishing]

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