Alloveda Liver Update: Detrimental effects of Alcohol consumption before pregnancy on fetal development and maternal metabolic disorders


eMediNexus    17 February 2021

Mounting evidences suggest that alcohol consumption before or during pregnancy is associated with severe health risks to the fetus; however, the underlying mechanisms involved is still incomprehensible. The author of the present study assessed whether ethanol consumption before pregnancy impacts maternal or fetal health. Additionally, they also investigated whether pharmacological inhibition of CYP2E1, a major ethanol oxidation enzyme, by 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP) has benefits in maternal or fetal health. 

The outcomes showed that ethanol consumption (5%) 2 weeks before pregnancy caused a decrease in the number of viable fetuses and abnormal fetal development. Along with these effects, impaired maternal glucose homeostasis and hepatic steatosis during pregnancy were also observed. Neonates of ethanol-fed experimental animals had postnatal macrosomia and reduced growth rates during the lactation period. Nevertheless, treatment with 4-MP (a CYP2E1 inhibitor), markedly improved the reduction in insulin action and glucose disposal responsiveness in the livers of ethanol-fed experimental animals. Moreover, blockage of CYP2E1 had the potential to considerably reduce the alteration in hepatic lipid deposition, fatty acid oxidation, mitochondrial energy status, and macrophage infiltration. 

Thus, findings of the study demonstrated that a positive association exists between postnatal macrosomia or growth retardation and increased inflammatory responses. Besides, it can be concluded that even moderate consumption of ethanol may cause severe negative effects on fetal development and can result in growth retardation through maternal metabolic disorders.

Source: Lee YJ, Kim JY, Lee DY et al. Alcohol consumption before pregnancy causes detrimental fetal development and maternal metabolic disorders. Sci Rep.2020;10(10054). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66971-1.

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