What are the duties of a doctor in respect of signing professional certificates, reports and other documents?


eMediNexus    02 July 2022

Regulation 7.7 of the MCI Code of Ethics Regulations elaborates on the issue of signing professional certificates, reports and other documents.

It states as follows: “Registered medical practitioners are in certain cases bound by law to give, or may from time to time be called upon or requested to give certificates, notification, reports and other documents of similar character signed by them in their professional capacity for subsequent use in the courts or for administrative purposes, etc. Such documents, among others, include the ones given at Appendix 4. Any registered practitioner who is shown to have signed or given under his name and authority any such certificate, notification, report or document of a similar character which is untrue, misleading or improper, is liable to have his name deleted from the Register.”

Appendix 4: List of certificates, reports, notifications etc. issued by doctors for the purposes of various acts/administrative requirements

  1. Under the Acts relating to birth, death or disposal of the dead.
  2. Under the Acts relating to Lunacy and Mental Deficiency and under the Mental illness Act and the rules made thereunder.
  3. Under the Vaccination Acts and the regulations made thereunder.
  4. Under the Factory Acts and the regulations made thereunder.
  5. Under the Education Acts.
  6. Under the Public Health Acts and the orders made thereunder.
  7. Under the Workmen’s Compensation Act and Persons with Disability Act.
  8. Under the Acts and orders relating to the notification of infectious diseases.
  9. Under the Employee’s State Insurance Act.
  10. In connection with sick benefit insurance and friendly societies.
  11. Under the Merchant Shipping Act.
  12. For procuring /issuing of passports.
  13. For excusing attendance in courts of Justice, in public services, in public offices or in ordinary employment.
  14. In connection with Civil and Military matters.
  15. In connection with matters under the control of Department of Pensions.
  16. In connection with quarantine rules.
  17. For procuring driving license.

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