Role of echocardiography in reducing shock reversal time in pediatric septic shock.


eMediNexus    13 September 2017

A new study published in the Jornal de Pediatria evaluated the role of echocardiography in reducing shock reversal time in pediatric septic shock. In this prospective study, 90 septic shock patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio for comparing serial echocardiography-guided therapy in a study group to standard therapy in a control group, regarding clinical course, timely treatment, and outcomes. The findings revealed that the shock reversal was notably higher in the study group, with significantly reduced shock reversal time. While pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay in the study group was significantly shorter. Mortality due to unresolved shock and fluid overload was significantly lower in the study group. Furthermore, it was observed that inotropes were used more frequently in the study group, and were initiated earlier with a predominant use of milrinone. Hence, it was inferred that serial echocardiography provided crucial data for early recognition of septic myocardial dysfunction and hypovolemia that was not apparent on clinical assessment, allowing a timely management and resulting in shock reversal time reduction among children with septic shock.

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