Comparing the effectiveness of two different decision aids for stable chest discomfort.


eMediNexus    09 November 2017

A new study published in Coronary Artery Disease compared the effectiveness of two different decision aids with different modes of delivery. This study enrolled patients with angiogram proven coronary artery disease CAD who were randomly assigned to either a booklet DVD Decision aid DA or an online DA. It was observed that patients were more likely to report reviewing all of the booklet DVD DA compared with the online DA. Additionally knowledge scores were significantly higher in the booklet DVD DA group than the online DA group. Participants in both arms felt it was very or extremely important that doctors give patients materials like these before a catheterization. Moreover patients qualitative feedback highlighted significant gaps in knowledge about treatment options as well as a strong desire to have educational materials in advance of diagnostic catheterizations. The results of this study suggested that that both decision aids are highly valued by patients with CAD. The booklet DVD DA was associated with higher rates of complete review and improved knowledge about the management of stable coronary disease.

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