The Effects of a Modified High-carbohydrate High-fat Diet on Metabolic Syndrome Parameters.


eMediNexus    14 November 2017

A new study published in Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology Diabetes aimed to determine the effects of a modified HCHF diet resembling the diet of Southeast Asians on metabolic parameters in rats. Here 14 male Wistar rats were randomized into two groups the normal group was given standard rat chow while the metabolic syndrome MetS group received the HCHF diet comprising fructose sweetened condensed milk ghee Hubble Mendel and Wakeman salt mixture and powdered rat food. Diet regimens were assigned for a period of 16 weeks. Metabolic syndrome parameters abdominal circumference blood glucose blood pressure and lipid profile were measured at week 0 8 12 and 16 of the study. The findings showed that the components of MetS were partially developed after 8 weeks of HCHF diet. Systolic blood pressure triglyceride low density lipoprotein cholesterol fat content and percentage of fat was significantly higher in the HCHF group compared to the normal group. Furthermore after 12 weeks of HCHF diet these animals showed significant increases in abdominal circumference blood pressure glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia compared to the normal control. Thus it was concluded that MetS is successfully established in male rats induced by the modified HCHF diet after 12 weeks.

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