What are the guidelines regarding fee and other charges?


Dr KK Aggarwal and Ira Gupta    22 November 2017

As per Section 3.7 of MCI Act Fees and other charges 3.7.1 A physician shall clearly display his fees and other charges on the board of his chamber and or the hospitals he is visiting. Prescription should also make clear if the Physician himself dispensed any medicine. 3.7.2 A physician shall write his name and designation in full along with registration particulars in his prescription letter head. Note In Government hospital where the patient load is heavy the name of the prescribing doctor must be written below his her signature. Section 1.8 of MCI Act also talks about fee. 1.8 Payment of Professional Services The physician engaged in the practice of medicine shall give priority to the interests of patients. The personal financial interests of a physician should not conflict with the medical interests of patients. A physician should announce his fees before rendering service and not after the operation or treatment is under way. Remuneration received for such services should be in the form and amount specifically announced to the patient at the time the service is rendered. It is unethical to enter into a contract of no cure no payment . Physician rendering service on behalf of the state shall refrain from anticipating or accepting any consideration.

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