Allergic reaction from dental bonding material through nitrile gloves.


eMediNexus    05 December 2019

A new study published in the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry examined monomer permeation of commercial dental adhesive through nitrile-based gloves, and correlated findings with clinical case studies of dental students having localized skin eruptions following resin placement on a gloved hand to manipulate composite. In this present study, three dental students self-reported itchy, red skin lesions underneath the area where they placed uncured adhesive resin on nitrile-gloved hands. Histories and cursory examinations were performed in the Department of Dermatology at The Medical College of Georgia. Infrared spectroscopic methods were used to determine permeation times of known monomer components of commercial adhesive material used through nitrile gloves. Additionally, monomer permeation times were correlated with the time when the commercial adhesive was first applied and penetrated through the glove. Dermatological assessment confirmed that the reporting students had occupational contact dermatitis resulting from components of the adhesive permeating through the barrier glove. Permeation times of neat monomer components of the adhesive resin varied over a wide range, with lower molecular weight showing faster pass-through times. Spectroscopic interpretation indicated that the probable causative agent for the students skin reaction was 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). Hence, it was recommended to implement measures to prevent skin contact with uncured methacrylate-based resin components, including avoidance of resin permeation through gloved hands. It was stated that sensitization to one type of methacrylate can result in the sensitization to other types of resins, significantly impacting careers of both dental auxiliaries as well as clinicians.

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