Inspirational Story: Look Fear in the Face


eMediNexus    07 December 2017

Look fear in the face. Be brave and bold. Dont be scared of the unknown. Accept your own wrongdoings as an opportunity to search deep within your soul. This way, you cannot blame others for your problems.

Be strong my child, admit defeat and always stand tall with dignity and pride. Allow your tribulations to become your guide for new found wisdom. Dont look back with regret; move forward with positive thoughts about the good and bad.

Be slow to speak and listen openly to what others have to say with respect. Remember you have a choice to make. Live negatively or positively; the choice is only dependent upon you.

You are sent to this world for a reason; a gift to others and remember always you have a special purpose so never give up but move straight ahead with love, peace, forgiveness, and strength!

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