Impact of adenotonsillectomy on pediatric quality of life.


eMediNexus    12 December 2017

The goal of a new study published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics was to highlight the wide variety of tools currently used to evaluate patients quality of life (QoL) in children with pediatric recurrent acute tonsillitis (RAT) and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS); to examine data available on their efficacy and the feasibility of their use in daily clinical practice; and to determine possible limitations related to an indirect and subjective assessment of QoL in children. The findings of this literature review indicated that adenotonsillectomy (ADT) has a generally positive impact on the QoL (especially in case of OSAS). The results also highlighted the importance of combining tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in the treatment of OSAS, and documented the comparability of tonsillectomy and tonsillotomy in improving obstructive symptoms. Hence based on the findings, it was stated that ADT is associated with positive changes in QOL. Further studies were proposed using comparable standardized criteria to confirm the size and duration of this benefit.

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