Interactive Session


eMediNexus    18 December 2017

A 30-year old female presented with painful abdominal heaviness as well as constipation evolving in context of apyrexy and good general condition. She had undergone cystectomy with bladder replaced with ileocecal segment for bladder exstrophy, 13 years back.

On examination, she was found to have a good general health, midline laparotomy scar, and continent uninvaginated urinary pouch valve. Her pelvic examination showed no abnormalities. However, hypogastric palpation revealed a non-tender stony-hard mass.1

What diagnostic tests would you recommend for this patient?


  1. Dergamoun H, El Boukili El Makhoukhi Z. [Giant lithiasis due to urinary stasis related to ileo-caecal bladder]. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2017;28(50). doi:10.11604/pamj.2017.28.50.13443.

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