Zinc Update: Serum zinc levels are low in seborrheic dermatitis patients


eMediNexus    21 October 2020

Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is defined as a chronic inflammatory skin disease, which is localized to areas that are rich in sebaceous glands, i.e. the scalp, upper chest, face and back. There are several factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of SD, that includes hormonal factors, comorbidities, inflammatory status, distinct immunological features, and environmental, nutritional and lifestyle factors, but the exact etiology of the disease has not been explained.

Zinc is a mineral that is involved in several biological processes, including immune, metabolic and hormonal functions. Zinc plays an important role in the different steps of the cutaneous inflammatory reactions by activating natural killer (NK) cells. It also shows antioxidant and antiandrogen activity. Deficiency of zinc is considered a contributor in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory skin diseases.

The objective of this study is to assess serum zinc levels in patients with SD. Forty-three patients with SD and 41 healthy individuals were included in the study. Disease activity was evaluated by the Seborrheic Dermatitis Area and Severity Index by a single dermatologist. Serum zinc levels of all participants were assessed.

The results of the study revealed that statistically significantly lower serum zinc levels were observed in SD patients as compared to the control group (79.16 ± 12.17 vs. 84.88 ± 13.59, respectively).

Thus, the study concluded that patients who are suffering from seborrheic dermatitis had lower levels of serum zinc levels as compared to healthy individuals.

Source: Aktaş Karabay E, Aksu Çerman A. Serum zinc levels in seborrheic dermatitis: a case-control study. Turk J Med Sci. 2019 Oct 24;49(5):1503-1508. doi: 10.3906/sag-1906-72. PMID: 31651121; PMCID: PMC7018314.

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