The Lateral Tarsal Strip for Paralytic Ectropion in Patients with Leprosy.


eMediNexus    26 December 2017

A new study published in the Annals of Dermatology evaluated the efficacy of surgical correction of paralytic ectropion, the lateral tarsal strip, in patients with leprosy. In this retrospective study, 40 Korean patients (44 eyelids) with paralytic ectropion who had visited Korean Hansen Welfare Association Hospital were treated with the lateral tarsal strip, wherein four-point patients global assessment scale, local complications, and recurrence were assessed at the end of the follow-up period – 12 months. The findings showed that among the 44 eyelids, recurrence was observed in 5 cases. There were no serious postoperative complications except mild size discrepancy of both eyes. Moreover, a majority of patients were satisfied with the results and mean satisfaction scale was 2.6/3. Therefore, it was inferred that the lateral tarsal strip is a simple, safe, and effective treatment method for the dermatologic surgeon to correct paralytic ectropion of mild to moderate degree in patients with leprosy.

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