Disimpaction of children with severe constipation using polyethylene glycol with electrolytes.


eMediNexus    29 December 2017

A study published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health assessed the effectiveness of a high-dose oral protocol using polyethylene glycol with electrolytes (PEG+E) for the treatment of fecal impaction in children. In this trial, 44 children, between 2-17 years of age, presenting with acute/chronic fecal impaction were given 6-8 sachets of PEG+E on the first day; the doses were tapered on the following 3 days. On the fourth day, PEG+E was reduced to one sachet as an ongoing maintenance dose. Defecation, soiling, diet, and water intake was monitored daily, for 7 days. It was observed that defecation commenced in these children within 10-12 hours, reaching a maximum volume of stool/day on day-2. Moreover, all patients were disimpacted successfully. While in the week following disimpaction, no fecal soiling or complications were reported. Thus, a high-dose oral protocol combining PEG+E successfully and safely disimpacted a cohort of children with acute/chronic constipation. Hence, it was stated that this treatment modality is useful to control fecal disimpaction in an outpatient setting, and could be helpful in avoiding hospitalizations due to fecal impaction.

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