ESpiritual: Search for happiness in the present moment


Dr KK Aggarwal    19 September 2017

Happiness should not be considered as being synonymous with pleasure. Pleasure is transient and is always associated with pain later. Any transient addiction to any of the five senses will either lead to pleasure or pain. Pleasure leads to attachment resulting in more intense and greater desires, and if these are not fulfilled, they cause pain which manifest as anger, irritability or even a physical disease. This type of transient pleasure is chosen by the individuals who attach themselves not to the actions only, but also to its results. The soul, which is an energized field of information and energy, is controlled by the person’s action, memory and desire. With every action, a memory is created which either gets stored or is recirculated again as an action. If one does not control the desires, the recurrent actions may cause more problems than happiness. True happiness, on the other hand, is internal happiness or the happiness of the soul or of the consciousness. It is often said, “You are what you eat; you are what you think; and you are what you do.” Hence, your own internal happiness will vary with what you eat, think, and do. Living in the present moment leads to true happiness. If one is constantly lamenting about the past or fearing the future, he/she will never be able to live in the present. Not living in the present is bound to cause unhappiness. One should learn to live and enjoy the present which can only be done by attaching oneself to the actions and not to its results. Doing one’s duty with devotion and discipline helps one to remain in the present. Performing good action is important, but it is equally important to maintain the purity of the mind at the same time. Because any intention in the thought creates the same chemical reaction as when the actual deed is done, abusing a person in thought is the same as abusing him in person. Cultivating positive actions in day-to-day life, like, giving or sharing etc., helps in acquiring internal happiness. Thoughts ultimately get metabolized into various chemicals and hormones changing the internal biochemistry of the person; hence by thinking about cancer all the time, one can actually induce it over a period of time. And similarly, cancers can be cured by thinking positive over a period of time. Internal happiness gives a deep feeling of satisfaction and is not associated with any transient chemical changes which are generally associated with bodily pleasure activities. People who are internally happy are always contented and are devoid of jealousy, anger, irritability, greed and ego. One should learn to disassociate from, both, external pain as well as pleasure, and only then can one acquire true internal happiness.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are entirely my own.

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