Case Report of Acne Vulgaris


    20 February 2021


Acne vulgaris (AV) is a provocative ailment of the pilosebaceous unit, which scores a chronic course and it is self-limiting. AV is activated by Cutibacterium acnes in adolescence, underneath the impact of normal circulating dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). AV is a very communal skin disorder which can exist with inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions mainly on the face, however can also arise on the upper arms, trunk, and back. Clinically the disease is presented with comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and scars in some cases.

Case Report

A 19 year old female, came with the complaint of multiple papulo-pustular strewn lesions over face, neck and back for 5-6 months. 

She have no history of allergy, asthma.  She took lots of cosmetics for her fairness. There was no history of acne disease to her family members. She got numerous acneiform lesions over face, neck and back. There were some black head and white head. She whinged of painful acneiform eruptions, disturbing mainly the lower third of her face.


Based on the data from the medical history, clinical and laboratory examinations, she was diagnosed with AV.

Topical treatment with Tretinoin 0.05% lotion once a day was directed. As an outcome of the treatment, minor progress was observed, at the end of the sixth month. The flare-ups on the face and back diminished.

Topical treatments, such as retinoids, are the backbone of acne treatment. This novel tretinoin 0.05% lotion formulation uses a polymeric honeycomb matrix, which consents for efficient and uniform delivery of micronized tretinoin and moisturizing/ hydrating ingredients into the skin. The use of moisturizers and humectants in this lotion formulation have been revealed to improve skin hydration and skin comfort without feeling greasy. 


In addition to compatibility, tretinoin 0.05% lotion was well tolerated. Furthermore, compared with other tretinoin formulations, tretinoin 0.05% lotion appears to have greater efficacy against inflammatory lesions with low rates of dryness, pain, and erythema.

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