Yoga: A Promising Technique to Control CVD


Dr SC Manchanda, New Delhi    04 January 2018

  1. There are strong evidences to show the role of yoga in reducing stress with improvement in both CV response and recovery from stress.
  2. Yoga + conventional treatment in metabolic syndrome patients significantly reduced early atherosclerosis as assessed by CIMT (J Yoga Phys Ther. 2013;3:132).
  3. Yoga is ideally suitable as a cheap and simple method for cardiac rehabilitation.
  4. A few control trials also suggest that 12 weeks practice of yoga improves LVEF, peak oxygen consumption and QoL in HF patients (Integrative Medicine Insights. 2014;9:1-6; J Card Failure. 2008;14:407-13).
  5. A yoga-based post-CABG cardiac rehabilitation program led to significantly better improvement in LVEF, blood glucose and lipids vs. controls. Yoga also reduced perceived stress, depression and negative effects (Indian Heart J. 2014;66(5):490-502).
  6. Yoga works through two interconnected pathways in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases: by decreasing reactivity of the sympathoadrenal system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal together with increased parasympathetic activity through vagus.

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