Family alleges negligence, overcharging by Gurgaons Paras Hospital


eMediNexus    05 January 2018

The family of a patient admitted to a private hospital in Gurgaon has accused the facility of medical negligence and charging exorbitant amount for its services.

Sunil Kumar, 22, was admitted to the hospital in June last year with head and spine injuries, which he had suffered during a dive into a canal in Hisar. He was first operated upon at a private hospital in Hisar, but Kumar remained unconscious after the surgery there, the family said.

The doctors recommended for surgery in spine again in the same area, but Kumars family objected to the advice.

"The doctors have done the surgery of the same neck area and planted an iron rod to support the spinal cord," he said, adding that even after the surgery for the second time Kumars condition deteriorated due to internal wounds. "The doctors then decided to remove the metal rod from the neck. They operated again for it," Singh said.

The family alleged repeated surgeries led to complications and Kumar was now on life support in the hospital. They have also accused the hospital of charging huge money. As per the bill, the hospital has charged more than Rs 83 lakh so far, and the family has deposited Rs nine lakh.

Hospital has waived off Rs 42 lakh from the actual bill.

Learn CPR: About 80 percent of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in private homes, so knowing cardiopulmonary resuscitation can make the difference between life and death. Effective bystander CPR provided immediately after cardiac arrest can double a victims chance of survival. Hands-only CPR, without mouth-to-mouth breaths, is recommended for use on an adult who suddenly collapses in a non-hospital setting.

Call the doctor and provide 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute by pushing hard and fast in the center of the chest with minimal interruptions.

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