Bring Positive Changes in Life in the New Year


Prof Dr KK Aggarwal    20 January 2017

Health is not mere absence of disease; it is a state of physical, mental, social, spiritual, environmental and financial well-being. As doctors, it is our responsibility to advocate a change in lifestyle or way of life for good health and general well-being not only for our patients but also ourselves.Follow this routine to make some positive changes in life.• Monday: Do not indulge in gossip, criticism, condemnation and/or complaints. When you want to communicate, do so in a nonviolent manner.• Tuesday: Talk to 25 people whom you have not spoken to for the last 3 months; make a list of your pending work.• Wednesday: Distribute nonmaterialistic gifts to everyone you meet. Smile, appreciate, encourage and say a few kind words to others.• Thursday: Think out of the box and look for new and innovative options. Finally, ask yourself how to choose the best option.• Friday: Follow nature and do not eat cereals. Eat a diet that is rich in fruits and salads.• Saturday: Ask yourself as to how you can help yourself, your family, your society and your nation.• Sunday: Just enjoy…

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