Brain Tissues with Higher Levels of Vitamin D Have Better Cognitive Functions


eMediNexus    09 December 2022

A study published in Alzheimer′s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer′s Association showed that adults with higher levels of Vitamin D in their brain tissue had better cognitive function. The researchers from Tufts University examined levels of vitamin D in brain tissue, specifically in adults who suffered from varying rates of cognitive decline.


In the study, researchers looked at vitamin D levels in 4 regions of the brain, out of which two were associated with changes linked to Alzheimer′s disease, one was associated with forms of dementia linked to blood flow, and one region did not have any known associations with cognitive decline related to Alzheimer′s disease or vascular disease.


The findings of the study showed that vitamin D was indeed present in brain tissue, and high vitamin D levels in all four regions of the brain correlated with better cognitive function. However, the researchers stated that further experimentation is required to determine the extent of the impact of vitamin D on brain functions. 


(Source: https://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay?newsID=1027522 )

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