India to roll out vaccine against cervical cancer by mid 2023 in national immunization program


eMediNexus    15 December 2022

The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) chairperson Dr. N K Arora, said that India will begin administering the locally created Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) against cervical cancer to girls in the age range of 9 to 14 under NTAGI by the middle of 2023.


According to some recent estimates, in India, each year, 35,000 women pass away from cervical cancer, which affects nearly 80,000 people.


Mr. Prakash Kumar Singh, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs at the Serum Institute of India (SII), said that the SII will most likely release the CERVAVAC vaccine in April of the following year and will cost significantly less than comparable international vaccines currently on the market.


Further, the SII CEO Adar C Poonawalla said that nation currently depends entirely on foreign manufacturers for the vaccine. The CERVAVAC HPV vaccine will be available in India, costing between Rs 200 and Rs 400 for each dosage.


Dr. Arora of NTAGI further commented that the vaccine had been approved for use in the public health program by the DCGI and the government advisory group NTAGI. Since 2006, there have been HPV vaccinations available. When administered at the proper age, the HPV vaccine can prevent more than 90% of HPV malignancies. As of 2020, less than a third of low-income and lower-middle-income nations had included the HPV vaccination in their national immunization program, while 85% of high-income households had already included the vaccine in their public health programs.


Studies conducted in India reveal that a single dosage of the HPV vaccine has a reported efficacy of above 95%. In light of the research done so far, the WHO has now advised a single dose of the vaccination for children aged 9 to 14. 


Women after the age of 35 should be screened, and there must be the necessary infrastructure to identify and treat cervical lesions to implement a comprehensive strategy for cervical cancer prevention and control. The National Program for Chronic Disease Control and Study (NPCDCS), a component of the Ayushman Bharat Scheme, already includes a cervical screening program.


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/policy/vaccine-against-cervical-cancer-to-be-included-in-national-immunisation-programme-by-mid-2023-ntagi-chief/96226416?utm_source=b2bDesktopNotification&utm_medium=notification)

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