eWellness: All About Calcium Carbide


Dr KK Aggarwal    08 February 2018

  1. Under PFA Section 44AA, the use of calcium carbide for artificial ripening of mangoes, apple, plum, banana is prohibited and can attract both imprisonment and fine.
  2. Calcium carbide powder is usually kept wrapped in paper between the fruits (unripe mangoes) in a basket or box.
  3. Once the basket of mango is closed from the top, calcium carbide absorbs moisture and produces acetylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process of fruits.
  4. The health hazards are related to the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, heart, liver and brain and in long run cancer.
  5. One kg of calcium carbide is sufficient to ripe about 10 tons of fruit.
  6. The fruit that has been artificially ripened with calcium carbide will be less tasty, have different aroma, uniform in color, have a shorter shelf life and be overtly soft. There may be multicolored (red, yellow, green) patches on the skin of the mango patches.
  7. Never eat off–season fruits, especially before time.
  8. Rinse all fruits in running tap water for few minutes before use.

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