AI Tools Can Help in Making Real-Time Diagnoses during Surgery


eMediNexus    26 December 2022

A study published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering revealed that an artificial intelligence tool has been developed to help make real-time diagnoses during surgery, improving the quality of images to increase the accuracy of rapid diagnostics.


The researchers from the US-based Brigham and Womens Hospital revealed that the method leveraged artificial intelligence to translate between frozen sections and the gold-standard approach. They stated in the study that to make the final diagnoses, pathologists used formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples.


The findings of the study revealed that the method can be used to differentiate different types of cancer, including gliomas and non-small-cell lung tumors. The lead author of the study noted that the method can be applied to any type of cancer surgery. He added that the method opens up many possibilities for improving diagnosis and patient care. 


(Source: https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/next-gen-technologies/ai-tool-to-help-make-real-time-diagnoses-during-surgery-study/96506580)

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