"SwasthGarbh" app developed by IIT-Roorkee, AIIMS-Delhi for pregnant women


eMediNexus    28 December 2022

IIT Roorkee researchers and AIIMS-Delhi developed an app called "SwasthGarbh" to give pregnant women antenatal care and real-time medical support. According to academics, this can be a crucial tool for women who live in remote areas or who do not have easy access to medical professionals or facilities.


Additionally, this is the only app for pregnancy with credible clinical support and fast access to medical counsel. It can track suggested clinical tests and automatically notify patients in accordance with their preferences. In an emergency, it offers real-time medical aid.


The Google Play Store offers the advantages of the app free of charge for both patients and clinicians. The app can help pregnant women with hospital appointments by notifying them of their due dates and any required testing.


Prof. KK Pant, director of IIT-Roorkee, stated that this is a new vehicle in the quickly developing field of telemedicine in the healthcare industry. It will enhance maternal-fetal health by providing all pregnant women with immediate medical assistance.


Prof. Rama Chaudhry, dean (research), AIIMS-Delhi, said that the “SwasthGarbh” app would help present potential answers to common pregnancy difficulties. The app aimed in saving the lives of both the mother and the baby, hence should be accessible to every family in the nation.


(Source:  https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/health-it/iit-roorkee-aiims-delhi-develop-app-for-pregnant-women/96560987)

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