Researchers identify genes that could help predict risk of coronary heart disease


eMediNexus    03 January 2023

A study published in the journal ′Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine′ stated that researchers have found the most important genes linked with coronary heart disease and heart attacks.


The study included 600 patients with coronary heart disease and 150 participants without coronary heart disease. Everyone underwent open chest surgery for coronary artery bypass surgery or other necessary medical reasons. Three significant discoveries were made in the study, all of which were crucial in the fight against heart disease.


Firstly, the researchers identified the specific genes that are most likely to cause coronary heart disease more accurately. Secondly, scientists have pinpointed precisely where specific genes impact the body most. It may be in the heart arteries, where blockages are directly caused, or it may increase cholesterol levels in the liver or alter inflammation in the blood. Thirdly, experts ranked the 162 genes based on the role in causing coronary heart disease. Another crucial finding of this study was the confirmation of PHACTR1, one of the top two predicted genes causing coronary heart disease. The study may also help to advance genetic testing, which is an additional advantage to patients.


Experts further stated that the top genes on this list hadn′t been studied in the context of heart attacks. They believe that the results will invigorate research in the area and open up a whole new area of crucial work involving heart attacks.


(Source: https://theprint.in/health/genes-can-predict-risk-of-coronary-heart-disease-study/1292779/)

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