CNS Update: Efficacy of Pregabalin in reducing post-Cesarean section pain, opioid consumption


eMediNexus    05 January 2023

Pain after Cesarean delivery is a common postoperative complaint in parturients. Pregabalin and gabapentin have demonstrated their efficacy in decreasing acute postoperative pain in the parturient. 


A recent study compared gabapentin and pregabalin as oral premedication in patients for elective cesarean section under spinal anesthesia for postoperative pain relief and rescue analgesia needs.


The study enrolled 54 consenting women aged 20–40 yrs old with uncomplicated pregnancies, scheduled for an elective Cesarean section delivery under spinal anesthesia. The study randomized them into three equal groups: Group (P) received 300 mg pregabalin, Group (G) received 900 mg gabapentin, and Control group (C). The participants received medication orally one hour before the anticipated time of the surgical incision. They underwent evaluations like the visual analogue scale (VAS), the total analgesia doses, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) incidence, and sedation levels. 


The results of the study were as follows-

  • Group P showed comparatively low VAS than groups G and C. 
  • Group P had a significantly lower total analgesic requirement of pethidine in the first 24 h than groups G & C. 
  • Group P showed significantly increased sedation scores than groups G and C. 


Thus, Pregabalin 300 mg proved more effective than gabapentin 300 mg in reducing post-Cesarean section pain, opioid consumption, nausea, and vomiting.


The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2020;81(1):1330-1337. DOI: 10.21608/ejhm.2020.113393

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