CNS Update: Painful-post traumatic trigeminal neuropathy managed with pregabalin


eMediNexus    24 January 2023

A recent case report series describes posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathy cases with diverse clinical presentations and underlying causes that were treated with Pregabalin. 


Case 1 was a 32-year-old female who experienced left facial pain with loss of sensation and taste on the left side of her tongue six weeks after the surgical extraction of her lower left third molar. 


Case 2 was a 57-year-old female with complaints of pain in the right preauricular region following root canal treatment in her lower right second premolar, which was triggered by yawning and brushing the left side of her tongue. 


Case 3 was a 21-year-old male who experienced pain and heaviness of the lower lip, which began shortly after surgical extraction of the lower right third molar. 


Case 4 was a 35-year-old male who complained of partial sensation loss on the lower lips left side and the associated labial mucosa. The symptoms began immediately after the surgical extraction of the lower left third molar.


Case 5 was a 48-year-old female teacher who experienced a traumatic extraction of her upper left 1st molar and started experiencing loss of sensation on the left side of her upper lip afterward, which persisted for six months before the presentation and was associated with inadequate oral seal. 


All the diagnosed cases received Pregabalin (75mg) combined with vitamin B complex or neurobion (high dose vitamins B1, B6, and B12) and showed successful treatment outcomes. 


This study showed diverse clinical presentations of painful-post traumatic trigeminal neuropathy and its successful treatment with Pregabalin.


Okoh M, Onyia NE, Ukpebor IV. Painful-post traumatic trigeminal neuropathy: case series and a review of literature. International Academic Journal of Medical and Clinical. 2022;7(4).

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