New Test to Detect Fast Propagating Omicron Sub-Variant Launched by Roche


eMediNexus    27 January 2023

On Thursday, the Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer Roche introduced a novel PCR test to identify a fast-spreading sub-variant of the coronavirus Omicron variant. According to the company statement, the new test targets the XBB.1.5 Omicron variant precisely. They stated that the new test will aid in closely tracking the virus′ ancestry as well as shed light on its epidemiology and effects on public health.


According to Roche, the XBB.1.5 variety is common in the US and is rapidly expanding to other nations. Experts have foreseen the spread of the XBB sub-variant and other developing variants. Hence, they emphasized that this test is the best option for responding to the best treatment options, as it is used to distinguish between different subvariants, comprehend their similarities, and understand their mutations. 


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/diagnostics/roche-launches-new-test-to-detect-fast-spreading-omicron-sub-variant/97343801 )

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