GH Obtains a Medicine Dispenser for Diabetes and Hypertension


eMediNexus    03 February 2023

Tamil Nadu: The Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital has established a new automated drug dispensing system for the distribution of medications to patients registered under the non-communicable illnesses program, or makkalaithedi maruthuvam. To assure consistency, the machine will run on a trial basis for two days, dispensing medications for ailments like diabetes and hypertension.


Volunteer health workers delivered medications to people′s homes for the first two months of the Makkalaithedi Maruthuvam program, but in the third month, they are advised to visit the hospital for diagnostic procedures and doctor consultations. This is to guarantee that diabetes and high blood pressure are under control.


According to hospital dean Dr. E. Theranirajan. People typically visit this location after finishing their medications. These vending machines can give medications for two days for free if there is a delay in consultation. However, only patients who have enrolled in the states NCD program are permitted to use this facility. The goal is to prevent patients from forgoing their chronic disease medications.


He further added that the patients should finish their exams and visit their doctors within two days. After that, based on the new prescription, they can pick up their medications from the hospital pharmacy. The device, which is anticipated to go into operation by the weekend, will undergo a few days of testing at the hospital. 


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/gh-gets-hypertension-diabetes-drug-dispenser/97573602 )

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