Heart Patients Have High Hopes Thanks to Advanced Technologies and Therapies


eMediNexus    06 February 2023

On Sunday, the two-day national convention "Cardiology Agra Live 3.0" of cardiologists and heart specialists came to an end in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. In the convention, delegates expressed their grave concern over the alarming increase in the prevalence of cardiac diseases and argued that cutting-edge technology solutions can save the lives of heart patients. According to experts, modern eating and living patterns are contributing to an avoidable rise in the prevalence of heart ailments.


According to experts, smoking, tobacco use, obesity, high-fat diets, high cholesterol, constant use of TV and mobile devices, inactivity, and a patient′s family history, all contribute to the increase of blockages in the arteries of the heart. Dr. R.R. Kasliwal, a prominent cardiologist and chairman of Vedanta, advised that people should routinely practice yoga and pranayama to keep their hearts healthy and strong.


Dr. Suvir Gupta, the conference′s organizing and scientific secretary, advised against taking on too much stress while offering advice on how to maintain a healthy heart. He advised that people seek medical attention if they develop cardiac problems.


Furthermore, Dr. Gagandeep Singh of Medanta shared that previously, the patient had to remain in the hospital day and night to detect a heart attack. However, thanks to the HS-troponin, or high-sensitivity blood test, it is now possible to determine right away whether the patient has experienced a heart attack or not. In addition, there is now a machine that can be examined in just 20 minutes and can identify a heart attack.


In the heart failure session, Dr. Prabhat Aggarwal stated that although heart failure in diabetes patients continues to be a severe issue, the number of diabetic people dying from heart attacks has decreased recently due to the availability of new therapies and testing technologies. Additionally, Dr. Neeraj Kumar stated that dispirin is superior to sorbitrate. Sorbitrate just lessens pain, whereas a dispirin tablet can save a life. 


(Source: https://www.newkerala.com/news/2023/16725.htm )

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