Experts concerned over new diabetes drugs not dealing with root causes of obesity


eMediNexus    07 February 2023

Recent statistics show that between 1993 and 2019, the percentage of obese adults in England increased from 14.9% to 28%. Data from NHS England show that in 2019–20, 10,780 hospital admissions were directly related to obesity.


Many people find it challenging to maintain their weight loss through diet and exercise, so interest in medications that work by stimulating the hormones that make people feel full after eating is growing.


In one study, individuals dropped up to 20% of their body weight throughout a 72-week trial while taking tirzepatide and making lifestyle adjustments.


However, doctors believe that while the dramatic effects of such treatments are welcome, there are worries they can make people less motivated to take steps to prevent obesity in the first place.


Experts stated that there has been an increase in the prescription of blood pressure medications and statins due to the increased number of people who have high blood pressure from overeating salt and high LDL cholesterol from overeating saturated fat.


There are obstacles to their use, although the UKs National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) has already approved the use of two diabetes medications, liraglutide and the more potent semaglutide for certain groups of obese people. The medications have downsides, including the fact that they are pricey and can only be taken by injection. Experts say further research is needed on safety and adverse effects.


According to a body image and mental health advocate, introducing the medications wont lessen the pressure of the already obese people.


Doctors’ suggested that it is better to avoid unhealthy foods rather than trying to reverse the effects of obesity. Hence warned and said that aim should also focus on helping people lose weight and prevent developing obesity.


(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/feb/05/new-diabetes-drugs-do-not-tackle-root-causes-of-obesity-experts-warn)

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