Study shows increase in risk of developing diabetes in women with exposure to phthalate


eMediNexus    10 February 2023

A recent study found that estrogen-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics may increase the incidence of diabetes in women. The study was published in the Endocrine Societys Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.


Phthalates are compounds that are frequently found in plastics, including those found in toys, personal care items, and the packaging of food and beverages. Diabetes and other endocrine diseases, as well as decreased fertility, are linked to phthalate exposure.


Researchers examined 1,308 women from the Study of Womens Health Across the Nation-(SWAN) over a six-year period to establish whether phthalates caused diabetes in this cohort. Over a six-year period, about 5% of the women acquired diabetes. These womens urine phthalate concentrations were comparable to those of middle-aged American women in the early 2000s. While the dangerous compounds were not associated with diabetes in Black or Asian women, White women exposed to high levels of certain phthalates had an increased risk of 30–63%.


The findings suggested that phthalates may play a role in the increased incidence of diabetes in women. Peoples everyday exposure to phthalates raises their chance of developing a number of metabolic illnesses. EDCs are hazardous to human health, thus its crucial that we address them right away.


Experts stated that the findings are a start in the right direction towards better understanding how phthalates affect metabolic illnesses, but further research is required.


 (Source: https://theprint.in/health/phthalate-exposure-might-increase-diabetes-risk-in-women-study/1362647/)

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