New App to Help People with Diabetic Foot Launched by MV Hospital


eMediNexus    13 February 2023

Dr. M. Viswanathan of the Diabetes Research Centre, Royapuram, and MV Hospital for Diabetes has developed a new mobile application that allows users to communicate with specialists about diabetic foot and diabetes.


On Saturday, the hospital unveiled the MV DIABET app, which is accessible through the Play Store. The software is linked to a WhatsApp number. This number can be used to contact a multidisciplinary team that will offer advice on diabetic feet and diabetes.


Diabetic neuropathy, which occurs when uncontrolled high blood sugar levels destroy the walls of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the nerves, notably in the legs, is a condition that affects patients with diabetes. On the side-lines of the 37th Prof. M. Viswanathan DRC Gold Medal Oration, Dr. Viswanathan added that diabetic neuropathy can cause symptoms such as loss of sensation, pain, etc. 


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/health-it/app-to-help-people-with-diabetic-foot-launched/97837814 )

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