Nanoparticles Used in Food Coloring Can Harm the Human Intestine


eMediNexus    17 February 2023

According to a new study, metal oxide nanoparticles, commonly used as food coloring and anti-caking agents in the commercial ingredients industry, can damage the human gut. Titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide, according to Cornell and Binghamton University researchers, hurt intestinal function.


In the study, the researchers injected the nanoparticles into the test subjects. On injecting the nanoparticles, they observed changes in the functional, morphological, and microbial biomarkers in the blood, the duodenum, and the cecum.


Senior author and associate professor of food science at Cornell, Dr. Elad Tako, stated that people are consuming these nanoparticles on a daily basis and that further studies are needed to determine the impact of consuming these nanoparticles on gastrointestinal health and development in the long run. 


(Source: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/health/study-finds-food-colouring-nanoparticles-can-affect-human-gut-480369 )

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