Clinical Spectrum of Solitary Rectal Ulcer in Children Presenting With Per-Rectal Bleed.


eMediNexus    20 February 2018

The purpose of a recent study published in the Journal of Ayub Medical College was to determine the frequency and clinical spectrum of solitary rectal ulcer in children with bleeding per rectum. Overall, 187 children presenting with per-rectal bleeding who underwent colonoscopy were recruited in the study. Demographic and presenting clinical features; colonoscopy and histopathology findings were recorded. It was found that out of a total of 187 children with bleeding per rectum, 11.23% were diagnosed with solitary rectal ulcer. Among these 71.43% were males and 28.57% were females, with the age range of 8-12 years. Mucus in stool, constipation, and tenesmus were the most common clinical presentations. Colonoscopic findings disclosed solitary erythmatous ulcerative lesion in 38.09% children; multiple ulcerative lesions in colon in 28.57%; multiple ulcerative lesions in rectum 23.81%; polypoidal growth in colon; and hyperemic rectal mucosa in 4.76% each. Furthermore, histopathological findings were consistent with SRUS in all the cases. Hence, it was concluded that the frequency of solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) was high in patients with per-rectal bleed, while mucus in stool, constipation and tenesmus were the most common clinical presentations.

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