eSpiritual: Five types of people from Nastik to Astik


Dr KK Aggarwal    19 March 2018

Following are the five types of people:

  1. Nastik: Those who do not believe in God.
  2. Astik: For whom God exists.
  3. Those for believe that God also exists in them (I and the God are the same)
  4. Tat Tvam Asi(God not only exists in me but also in you)
  5. God is in everybody

People who believe that God exists are fearful people and they always fear God. People who see God in themselves, live a disciplined Satvik life and do not indulge in activities that are not God-friendly. People who believe that God is not only in them but also in you, treat every person the same way as they treat themselves. People for whom God is everywhere always work for the welfare of the society.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are my own).

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