eSpiritual: You are the Temple of God and the Spirit of the God Dwells in You


Dr KK Aggarwal    21 March 2018

This sutra from the Bible reflects the union between the spirit and the soul. The ‘Spirit’ represents the Parmatama or the Brahman and ‘You’ represents the individualized spirit or the Soul (Jivatama).

A temple is a place of worship and also the place where God resides. Every human being represents a temple (place of worship) where God exists (one’s soul) and this soul is nothing but the essence of God (the spirit).

One should treat every individual in the same manner as the same spirit dwells in every human being. The soul is also the reflection of individual’s past and present karmic expressions. Most people are in the habit of looking and searching for God in artificial temples, gurudwaras and churches, not realizing that the same God is present within us, provided we undertake the internal journey to look for Him.

He is present in between thoughts in the silent zone and can be approached by adopting any of the three pathways: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyana (Gnana) Yoga.

Doing selfless work with detachment to its results; working with the principles of duty, devotion and discipline and/or regularly doing Primordial Sound Meditation or other types of meditations can help one reach the stage of self–realization or meeting one’s true self. Once there, one can have all the happiness in life.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are my own).

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