Disimpaction of children with severe constipation using polyethylene glycol with electrolytes.


eMediNexus    04 April 2018

The aim of a study published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health was to assess the effectiveness of a high-dose oral protocol using polyethylene glycol with electrolytes (PEG + E) combined with sodium picosulphate (SP) in treating fecal impaction in children. In this retrospective study, 44 children between 2-17 years of age, who presented to a suburban clinic with acute/chronic fecal impaction were administered six to eight sachets of PEG + E on day-1, with decreasing doses on the subsequent 3 days; and 15-20 SP drops were given on days 2 and 3. On day-4, PEG + E was reduced to one sachet and SP to 10 drops as an ongoing maintenance dose. Defecation, soiling, diet and water intake was monitored daily for 7 days; children were followed up for 8 months. It was observed that children began defecating within 10-12 hours after the initiation of therapy, reaching a maximum volume of stool/day (four cups) on day-2. In addition, all patients were disimpacted successfully, and in the week following disimpaction there was no reported fecal soiling or complications. Thus, it was concluded that a high-dose oral protocol combining PEG + E sachets and SP drops successfully and safely disimpacted a cohort of children with acute/chronic constipation presenting to a suburban continence clinic. Therefore, this protocol was stated as useful to control fecal disimpaction in an outpatient setting, and could prevent hospital admission.

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