Morning Medtalks with Dr KK Aggarwal 8th May 2018


Dr KK Aggarwal    08 May 2018

Public Health

Intensified Diarrhea Control Fortnight, 28th May to 9th June 2018: Add zinc in diarrhoea as it reduces the number of Stools, reduce the number of Stools, hasten the recovery, protect the Child against future diarrhoea and Pneumonia for three months, improves the appetite and helps the child in growth and development

Drowning Prevention

  1. Closely supervise children around water.
  2. Adults often expect children to splash and show obvious signs of distress when they are having trouble in the water. However, drowning victims, especially children, rarely are able to call for help or wave their arms, and thus usually drown silently.
  3. Avoid alcohol while supervising children or before swimming, boating, or water skiing. Alcohol influences balance, coordination, and judgment, and its effects are heightened by sun exposure and heat.
  4. Learn to swim; make sure children can swim and float. Swimming is more than a recreational activity; it is a potentially life-saving skill.
  5. Learn CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation). In the time it takes for paramedics to arrive, CPR skills performed by a bystander could save someone’s life.
  6. Install four-sided fencing around a swimming pool.
  7. Always wear appropriately fitted life jackets when boating.
  8. Always have a phone near a pool.
  9. When a child is missing, check the pool first.
  10. Do not rely on arm floaties.
  11. Remove ALL toys from pools when the pool is not in use (children are naturally drawn to the toys without realizing the dangers of the water). (weartv.com)


Mild cognitive impairment is generally defined by the presence of memory difficulty and objective memory impairment but preserved ability to function in daily life. Patients with MCI are at increased risk of dementia. 

IPL Cricket fever: While sudden cardiac death is the leading medical cause of death in athletes, its exact incidence remains unclear. The incidence is 0.76 per 100,000 athlete-years. With 44 percent of patients surviving to hospital discharge following SCA, the overall rate of SCD is 0.42 per 100,000 athlete-years.

Nutrition: Cashew Nut milk and curd

  1. Soak 1 cup cashew nut for 3 hours
  2. Drain the water
  3. Blend them adding three times the water
  4. Strain the liquid. What you get out of this is cashew milk
  5. warm the cashew milk
  6. Add the culture and stir well
  7. Cover and keep in a warm place overnight or for 4-5 hours.
  8. Once the cashew yogurt or curd is set, keep in the fridge.
  9. Cashew yogurt stays good for 3 days.


Anekāntavāda (many-sidedness) refers to the Jain doctrine about metaphysical truths that states that the ultimate truth and reality is complex and has multiple aspects. Anekāntavāda encourages its adherents to consider the views and beliefs of their rivals and opposing parties. The principle of Anekantavada should be applied to every field of life.  It shows us how to respect candid opinions of all free thinkers of the world, and, therefore, the roots of modern democracy could be traced in this Jain principle.  It establishes unity in diversity. 



Say no to antibiotics:  Silver sulfadiazine cream (SSD 1%) applied and covered with fine mesh gauze is the most commonly used burn wound dressing. SSD has antimicrobial activity as demonstrated by decreased colonization of burn wounds. For wounds covering more than 50 to 60 percent of the total body surface area, SSD does not consistently prevent or suppress bacterial growth, particularly of gram-negative bacteria. SSD should be stopped when there is evidence of reepithelialisation. SSD and related agents should not be used in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or in infants younger than two months old. SSD is also oculotoxic and should not be used near the eyes.


Section 23 in The Mental Health Act, 1987

  1. Powers and duties of police officers in respect of certain mentally ill persons.—

(1) Every officer in charge of a police station,—

  1. may take or cause to be taken into protection any person found wandering at large within the limits of his station whom he has reason to believe to be so mentally ill as to be incapable of taking care of himself, and
  2. shall take or cause to be taken into protection any person within the limits of his station whom he has reason to believe to be dangerous by reason of mental illness.

(2) No person taken into protection under sub-section (1) shall be detained by the police without being informed, as soon as may be, of the grounds for taking him into such protection, or where, in the opinion of the officer taking the person into protection, such person is not capable of understanding those grounds, without his relatives or friends, if any, being informed of such grounds.

(3) Every person who is taken into protection and detained under this section shall be produced before the nearest Magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of taking him into such protection excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place where he was taken into such protection to the court of the Magistrate and shall not be detained beyond the said period without the authority of the Magistrate.


Heat Wave Warnings for Next 24 hours Heat wave conditions (upto 75% places): NIL Heat wave conditions (upto 50% places): NIL Heat wave conditions (upto 25%places): Vidarbha.

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