Practice-based interpretation reveals more effective clinical support for breastfeeding infants.


eMediNexus    18 May 2018

A large number of women who breastfeed, report commencing infant formula because of nipple pain, unsettled infant behavior, and infant growth concerns. The goal of a new study published in the Midwifery analyzed findings from measurements of sucking in term and preterm infants. The present study entailed a literature search of PubMed and MEDLINE databases for ultrasound studies measuring sucking in term and preterm infants. The results disclosed that the Stripping Action Model of infant suck during breastfeeding, and the resultant Structural Model of infant suck dysfunction, are inaccurate. In fact, ultrasound data demonstrated the critical role of intra-oral vacuum for milk transfer. Considering the results, a Gestalt Model of the biomechanics of healthy infant suck during breastfeeding was proposed, which hypothesizes that optimal intra-oral vacuums and breast tissue volumes are achieved when mother-infant positional stability eliminates conflicting intra-oral vectors, resulting in pain-free, effective milk transfer. In inference, it was stated that the Gestalt Model of the biomechanics of healthy infant suck during breastfeeding unfolds the possibility of a new clinical method which may prevent unnecessary medical treatments for breastfeeding problems and related unsettled infant behavior in early life.

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