Mid-Air Rescue By Delhi Doctor Couple Saves Life of 78-Year-Old on Air India Flight!


Vidya Raja    07 June 2018

The pilots then made an emergency landing in Budapest where she was immediately given medical assistance.

Do you like eating gummy bears? I do! However, after this story, I may be careful the next time I eat one.

What should have been a regular flight turned into a nightmare for 78-year-old Preetpal Kaur – all thanks to a gummy bear!

Preetpal was onboard a flight from Delhi to London when she went into respiratory distress after a gummy bear she was eating accidentally lodged in her windpipe.

Luckily for her, the flight had a doctor couple travelling to London.

In a report in the Times of India, Dr Anupam Goel and Dr Misha — the doctor couple who work at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital — said the incident took place on Tuesday.

The publication further stated that “Her blood pressure was unrecordable. The patient was gasping. Her left pupil was dilated, which suggested neuro involvement. There was also wheezing, which suggested respiratory involvement. The cause of respiratory distress wasn’t clear at that time.”

It eventually took almost 40 minutes to resuscitate Preetpal.

The pilots then made an emergency landing in Budapest where she was immediately given medical assistance.

However, all accolades and praises should go to the doctor couple who managed to keep Preetpal alive for the duration.

This inspirational moment is similar to a story we covered earlier when the crew of a Jet Airways flight fought hard to keep an 80-year-old passenger alive after he collapsed mid-flight.

Speaking to The Better India, Cabin attendant, Amandeep had said, “There have been times when the training process got tiring and exhaustive. But I am so glad for that. I was able to save the gentleman’s life only because of that.”

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