Review of efficacy and safety of laxatives use in geriatrics.


eMediNexus    20 June 2018

The goal of a study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics was to investigate the efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatments of constipation in geriatrics. This review entailed a search from PubMed, MEDLINE, google scholar, and Ovid databases to identify human studies performed on the use of laxatives in elderly with constipation. The laxatives examined were senna, lactulose, sorbital, polyethylene glycol (PEG), lubiprostone, linaclotide, and prucalopride. The results revealed that newer agents like prucalopride show promising results for pharmacological treatment of constipation in geriatrics. It was stated that the prucalopride may be potentially efficacious in the treatment of constipation in geriatrics and warrants further investigation.

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