Fecal incontinence in older patients.


eMediNexus    10 July 2018

A new article published in Cirugia Espanola reported that fecal incontinence is one of the leading causes for institutionalization of the elderly; the disorder is associated with a great psychosocial and economic burden. However, there exists limited validated data in this population owing to the absence of universally accepted criteria to define "elderly patients" and difficulties in detection and diagnosis of fecal incontinence in geriatrics. This was a narrative review of the main aspects related to fecal incontinence in older patients. It was stated that providing management support, including toileting assistance, dietary change, controlling stool consistency, and pharmaceutical treatment can be beneficial in these patients. The authors also suggested that other therapies, such as biofeedback, neuromodulation or surgical treatment can be considered in selected elderly patients.

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