Vitamin B-6, Independent of Homocysteine, Is a Significant Factor in Relation to Inflammatory Response for Chronic Kidney Disease.


eMediNexus    06 November 2017

A recent study published in BioMed Research International investigated whether plasma pyridoxal 5 phosphate PLP and homocysteine were dependent of each other in order to be associated with inflammatory markers in patients with chronic kidney disease CKD or in those receiving hemodialysis treatment. In this cross sectional study 68 stage 2 to 5 CKD patients and an equal number of hemodialysis patients had one time fasting blood drawn for measurements of plasma PLP pyridoxal PL homocysteine and several inflammatory markers. It was observed that early CKD stage 2 3 patients showed significantly lower plasma PLP levels and homocysteine concentrations than patients in an advanced CKD stages 4 5 and those undergoing hemodialysis. Plasma PLP significantly correlated with C reactive protein CRP levels and plasma PL significantly correlated with Interleukin IL 10 levels while plasma PLP plus PL significantly correlated with both CRP levels and interleukin 1 946 levels after adjusting for plasma homocysteine and other potential confounders. Whereas plasma homocysteine displayed no significant correlations with any inflammatory markers. Hence it was inferred that vitamin B 6 status rather than homocysteine appeared to be a significant factor in relation to inflammatory responses for CKD and hemodialysis patients.

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