AAP 7 tips for Allergies and asthma in children


Dr KK Aggarwal    13 October 2017

The American Academy of Pediatrics AAP has published tips on treatment of allergies and asthma for parents on its website.

  1. Ask your pediatrician about medications to manage allergies. Common treatments include oral antihistamines nasal corticosteroids.
  2. Knowing what your child is allergic to can be an important step in finding the right treatment. Allergy testing should be performed to determine whether your child is allergic to any environmental allergens including indoor allergens such as dust mites pets and pests as well as outdoor allergens such as pollens. Molds both indoors and outdoors can also trigger nasal allergy symptoms.
  3. Avoid allergens that trigger the symptoms.
  4. If your child is allergic to pests in the home professional extermination sealing holes and cracks that serve as entry points for pests storing foods in plastic containers with lids and meticulous cleanup of food remains can help to eliminate pests and reduce allergen levels.
  5. Wash linens weekly and other bedding such as blankets every 1 to 2 weeks in hot water to prevent dust mites.
  6. If your child is allergic to outdoor allergens it can be helpful to use air conditioners when possible. Showering or bathing at the end of the day to remove allergens from body surfaces and hair can also be helpful. For patients with grass pollen allergy remaining indoors when grass is mowed and avoiding playing in fields of tall grass may be helpful during grass pollen season.
  7. Ask your pediatrician about allergy immunotherapy. Immunotherapy or allergy shots may be recommended for patients with confirmed allergy to reduce allergy symptoms.

Source:  Allergies and Asthma What Every Parent Needs to Know by the American Academy of Pediatrics

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