eSpiritual: The spiritual meaning of the word Artha


Dr KK Aggarwal    16 November 2017

Dharma Artha Kama and Moksha are the four fundamental principles of our very existence which means earning righteously with a desire to fulfill the inner happiness. Righteous earning is called Artha and mistakenly it has been linked to materialistic money. In mythology Artha is synonymous with Lakshmi Saraswati and Kali where Lakshmi represents righteously earned materialistic wealth Saraswati represents wealth of knowledge and Kali represents wealth of wisdom to fight the bad in you and in the society. In any country it is the wealth of knowledge which is more important. India was ruled initially by warriors Kali later by money Lakshmi and in future will be ruled by knowledge Saraswati . It is the human resources which today decide the growth of a company and the amount of money invested. If you have good human resources your company is going to succeed. Disclaimer The views expressed in this write up are my own .

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