Effect of rosuvastatin on fasting and postprandial endothelial biomarker levels and microvascular reactivity.


eMediNexus    17 November 2017

A new study published in Cardiovascular Diabetology investigated the effect of 20 mg rosuvastatin on biomarkers including paraoxonase 1 PON 1 and asymmetric dimethylarginine ADMA and on microvascular reactivity in patients with type 2 diabetes T2D and dyslipidemia. This study recruited 20 dyslipidemic patients with T2D as well as 20 age and body mass index BMI matched healthy controls. Rosuvastatin 20 mg day was administered to the patient group for 12 weeks. Biochemical parameters including PON 1 and ADMA were compared between the patient and control groups and before and after rosuvastatin treatment in the patient group . It was found that the respective mean standard deviation of age and BMI in the patients were 50.1 3.8 year and 25.8 3.7 kg m2 while the values were 50.2 3.2 year and 25.4 3.4 kg m2 in the controls. On the other hand the patient group had worse profiles of cardio metabolic biomarkers including PON 1 and ADMA than the controls. In the patients treated with 20 mg rosuvastatin low density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol decreased from 147.2 26.5 to 68.3 24.5 mg dL and high density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol increased from 42.4 5.2 to 44.7 6.2 mg dL. In addition both fasting and 2 hour postprandial levels of PON 1 increased and those of ADMA decreased after a 12 week treatment with rosuvastatin. Moreover the changes in postprandial levels of both biomarkers were greater than those after fasting. Furthermore microcirculation assessed as reactive hyperemia in the patients after an ischemic challenge increased significantly from 335.3 123.4 to 402.7 133.4 after rosuvastatin treatment. Meanwhile postprandial changes in the biomarkers were significantly associated with improvement of microvascular reactivity. Thus it was inferred that 12 week treatment with rosuvastatin improved microvascular reactivity with concomitant beneficial changes in the postprandial levels of PON 1 and ADMA. The results of this study indicated that rosuvastatin improves the postprandial cardio metabolic status in T2D.

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