eSpiritual: Temple enhances soul to soul connectivity


Dr KK Aggarwal    07 December 2017

A Temple, Gurudwara or a Masjid can also be understood by studying the concept of computer internet-based virtual e-communication.

The physical body can be compared to that of a computer hardware and the subtle body with three application softwares of a computer namely, Mind (Microsoft Word), Intellect (Excel) and Ego (Power Point).

These three application softwares are controlled by Chitta or the life force, which is a combination of Prana, Tejas and Ojas (or Operational Software in computer language). Without chitta or operational software, the body cannot function. A dead person (dead computer) will be devoid of chitta (operational software).

The application and operation softwares in turn are controlled by the soul, which is nothing but energized information or soul. This energized information in the body in Vedic language is called Shiva Shakti, where Shiva represents information and Shakti represents the energy or the power of the software.

This energized information or the soul can be equated to a very high speed internet connection www.god.com-drkkaggarwal for me. For another person, for example, Mr B S Sokhi, the soul communication will be www.god.com-bssokhi.

Both these souls will be communicated to a virtual internet called GOD or SPIRIT. The same can be represented as www.GOD.com and in this virtual consciousness or GOD, these pages will be similar to Facebook pages for individual members. For example, there will be a page called www.GOD.com-drkkaggarwal and another page called www.GOD.com-bssokhi.

Whatever you do is converted into a virtual memory and a copy of that is saved in both www.god.com and www.GOD.com. This way the phrase that GOD is watching each and every action can be explained.

Increasing one’s connectivity with GOD is like increasing the bandwidth of a computer internet. The same can be done in the body by controlling the mind, intellect and ego and by learning the process of Meditation, Pranayama and living a parasympathetic lifestyle.

Mobile towers or satellites are used to enhance connectivity for computers.

The natural towers in the body are called Chakras or the automatic ganglion. They behave like internal towers and intensify our communication with the soul and the spirit. In the outside world, this work is done by a Temple, Gurudwara or a Masjid.

According to the Vedic philosophy, we should practice focusing on our Chakras or ganglions regularly to increase our internal communication.

With collective consciousness of people (more than 1% of the population) focusing on a particular area or a stone, it acquires the powers of a communication tower or satellite.

A stone that becomes a focus of the collective consciousness of the people becomes a GOD ideal and the process is called Pratishthan.

A Mandir, Gurudwara or a Masjid, where the collective consciousness of the people gets focused, becomes a source of increase connectivity between the body and the soul. A person sitting in such an environment therefore, finds himself more near God, Allah or Wahe Guru.

The story of Hiranyakashyap where God comes out of the pillar on the request of the Prahlad and kills Hiranyakashyap basically proves that even the impossible is possible if you focus your concentration on the object of concentration and give preference to object of concentration over other thoughts.

This explains how in the past the collective consciousness of the people could bring rains or light candles or diyas. This also forms the basis of collective prayer.

The collective thoughts of the people get posted to the virtual Mandir, Gurudwara and Masjid and when a critical mass of 1% is reached, everyone will start working towards what is taught.


 (Disclaimer: The views expressed in this write up are my own).

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