Results of Bariatric Surgery Persist for Years


eMediNexus    10 December 2017

Long-term benefits of bariatric surgery persisted for years, suggested a new longitudinal study published in JAMA Surgery. Researchers noted that people who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYBG) sustained a mean weight loss of 38.2 kg 7 years after undergoing surgery, for a mean reduction of 28.4% of baseline weight. Additionally, those who underwent laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), had an average weight loss of 18.8 kg after 7 years, for a mean baseline weight reduction of 14.9%. Furthermore, among the 488 RYGB patients who had diabetes at the time of surgery, the majority not only achieved remission, but also maintained remission over the 7-year follow-up. A significant number of the 175 LAGB patients who had diabetes at baseline also achieved and sustained remission.

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